Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 21

Day 21 of IM training, I've dropped about 5 lbs since December, and most importantly....I'm starting to get some of my old speed back. Another 10 lbs, and I'll be pretty close to where I was pre-psycho gf/breakdown/2 years of hell. My goal is to get even faster then I was pre-breakdown, but I have a completely different attitude this time around. I'm not that pissed off, angry kid that I was at 22, where it was me vs. the world. These days, its more about me vs. myself, and I'm curious to see how far I can push myself as I hit my prime in endurance athletics. These were my records back in the day;

800yd Swim 8:59
1 mile Run 4:52
40km Bike 1:10:52
Olympic Distance Tri 2:10:26
Sprint Tri 58:59

We'll see how I do being older (and supposedly smarter).

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