Friday, January 23, 2009

Out on a limb (as usual)

We've been discussing over the past few weeks, both at church and elsewhere, how important the skill of listening is. Whether its a girlfriend/boyfriend, teammate, mentor, or God, the emphasis is on what they're saying and doing...not on our own interpretation. With that in mind, this past week I turned down a job as a Sales Mgr in Northern LA. In this economy, most people would think I was crazy, but the truth is it wasn't what I'm supposed to do. When I first moved out to CA, I took a position that was absolutely the wrong choice ( I chose money over cultural fit...story for another time) and kept trying to make it work, but it ended very VERY poorly. I found myself in the same situation Monday, sitting there about to take a job for money...yet this little voice went "Don't. " I thought my unease was just nerves and tried to squash it, but that little voice kept coming back each time with the same message. With this in mind, I told the rather shocked rep on Tuesday I wouldn't be accepting the position, and would be returning to the job market to continue my now 8 month search. It's not that it wasn't a good position, or the people were nasty, it just wasn't what I'm supposed to do for the next few years. No one said this listening thing was easy, but I'm assuming it's like anything else where the more you practice, the better you are.

Unless of course it's backstroke. Never got the hang of that (as 4 swim coaches can testify)